Wednesday 22 October 2014


It is almost two months as I stepped into independent life. Almost two months when I am living in London. The new language, friends, culture and atmosphere.

I have to admit, the first trip to London didn't impressed me very much, but this time everything is different. After a bit I start to love this city, its parks, people and this rush.
 So today I found a free minute to remember my blog and decided that from now on I will try to visit it more often, because I want to share my feelings, events, photographs and of course everything that fascinates me being here -  in London. 

I am sharing a small night photo-shoot in London. I hope you will enjoy it! 
I must say, today I felt pangs of love to my home country,but time flies fast in here, so I won't notice when I will have to leave for Christmas.  

Love forever, always & after.

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